“Cliff collapses and falls into the sea…. Read all about it!”
“Cliff collapses and falls into the sea…. Read all about it!”
This week the children have turned into reporters/journalists and reported on many incidents and accidents. They used green screen technology on the Ipads to record their news reports as they became Anchormen for the day.…
Two Trips in One Week!
Two Trips in One Week!
This week we went on two trips…both of them were field trips which is a trip where you study geography. The first one was to Formby Point National Trust Nature reserve where we studied sand dune erosion and deposition. After a cold start on the beach, we soon…
Rivington class became expert designers
Rivington class became expert designer this week as they set about creating a water movement system. The challenge was set by Mr.Maloney who had heard the children were looking at shadufs (a tool used by the ancient Egyptians) to move water from the River Nile into their irrigation…
More Mixing for Mega Mix Mad Class
More Mixing for Mega Mix Mad Class
From making cakes using ingredients written in French, to creating a Marvellous Mixture of liquids and soluble and insoluble solids … (and then having to work out how to separate them all again!) … That’s been our week in Rivington Class.
Rivington Class become Experi-MENTAL!
Rivington Class become Experi-MENTAL!
This week in Rivington class, Mr.Roden challenged us to come up with a question we would like to find the answer to related to dissolving. Here’s what each group came up with:
-Which dissolves quickest – sugar or salt?
-Will sugar dissolve…
This week we have embarked on our Mega Mixes topic. We have firstly recapped on what we mean by a liquid, a solid and a gas. The children were dubious about gas as it is something you can’t always see, so we decided to create experiments to prove its existence. The children…
Play scripts become Out of this World!
Play scripts become Out of this World!
In Rivington Class this week, the children have used green screen technology to bring their Space play scripts to life. The plays, which are set in outer space, were really enhanced by the green screen app on the Ipads which plunged them into scenes on…
The Sound of Silence
The Sound of Silence
The children of Rivington 5 have, this week, been composing their own musical ‘score’ for a Sci-Fi Space movie. The score was split into three separate sequences entitled ‘Blast Off,’ ‘Moon Landing’ and ‘Walking on the Moon.’ The children first learned about musical…
What A Wonderful Week It Has Been In Rivington!!!
What A Wonderful Week It Has Been In Rivington!!!
Our stars of the future in Rivington have been practising their acting skills this week and they performed Science Fiction plays for Mrs. Blackledge. It was great fun and has helped the children to improve their speaking and listening…
The Final Frontier!!!
The Final Frontier!!!
The Rivington Star Rangers have been busily working on performing playscripts this week in order to improve their speaking and listening skills. They have worked co-operatively in groups to rehearse various space scripts. There have been some very enthusiastic…
Terrified and alone
Terrified and alone, Eleven, who was a Space Warrior, crash landed onto Planet Persius. Quickly he realised that he was in serious trouble. So, he made a call to NASA and commanded an immediate extraction! Year 5 hope that he would escape unhurt…but would he?
We were visited by the…
Film Stars of The Future!!!
In Rivington this week, we have working with our talk partners to think of space vocabulary to describe our planets. Do you know what a DE :DE sentence is or a ‘The more, …the more… sentence is? Well, we have also been learning to use these different types of sentences in our writing. Ask the…