“Cliff collapses and falls into the sea…. Read all about it!”


This week the children have turned into reporters/journalists and reported on many incidents and accidents. They used green screen technology on the Ipads to record their news reports as they became Anchormen for the day. See the results below!


The children also studied a number of examples and homemade models to demonstrate how the constant power of the waves erodes away the base of the cliffs causing landslides and much worse. They also studied coastal OS maps and their keys to unpick the mystery of a map before using the keys to create their own maps complete with symbols.


Finally, Rivington class enjoyed a day out at the Leisure centre taking part in the ‘TRYathalon’…where it was comment upon that they were the best behaved school! The children had the chance to try out the gym equipment and also go swimming. A fantastic time was had by all.