The school day begins at 8.50am and finishes at 3.10pm.

The doors are open from 8.40am each day. We believe that this an extremely important time of the day as the children are getting ready to learn. Every child is welcomed to school by the headteacher and school staff, who greet them by name at the door and in the halls.

Children have time to settle into class and have toast - which we provide free of charge for every child, every day - as they come into school and begin their morning activities before registration from 8.45-9.10am.

Morning Session

8.50am – 12.00pm


8.50am – 12.40pm


All of the children have regular breaks. There is no set times for breaks, each class judges when the natural break in learning comes so that we are not interrupting learning for children when they are immersed in what they're doing. 

We meet as a whole school to share the Sunday Gospel every Monday at 9.10am. We also have our Celebration Assembly as a whole school every Friday at 9.10am.

Afternoon Session

1.00pm – 3.10pm


1.30pm – 3.10pm


Drop off and Collection

Children can arrive at school from 8.40am and are welcomed straight inside the building so they can hang up their belongings and settle into class ready for registration at 8.50am. We encourage parents onto the playground to build close relationships between school and home, parents are able to talk to their child’s class teacher or the headteacher before or after school. Please notify staff if someone different than usual is picking up your child. For families with mobility issues, we are more than happy to bring your child out to the car to you. Please just phone the office and let us know when you have arrived.  

Getting to School​

We encourage children to walk or to ride their bikes/scooters to school. There is a school crossing patrol at the junction of Harpers Lane and Erskine Road. Access via Cedar Road is used by pedestrians only. Parking is not available in the school grounds but there is safe parking available on the Church car park adjacent to school. We operate a one way system at all times on the Church car park, entrance via Harper's Lane and exit behind Parish Centre, where you will also find an overflow of parking spaces.