St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School


Forest School

We are so lucky at St Joseph's to have such a beautiful and vast outdoor space for the children to enjoy. Sitting at the bottom corner of our school field is our outdoor classroom. We have created a space for wildlife to thrive and our children to explore and learn. We also have a wildflower garden scattered just outside the classroom and have plans to expand the space even more.

When we first opened our outdoor classroom some years ago, the children chose to name it..... 

Garden of

E ducational

D evelopment for

E nvironment and

N ature

'Laudato Si' is Pope Francis' encyclical letter to every person on the planet about 'caring for our common home'. Pope Francis urges each one of us to take responsibility for caring for the planet as stewards of God's creation; we place great emphasis on this at St Joseph's. 

We were so proud when our Laudato Si group were awarded a Gold Award at the Chorley Flower Show - Chorley in Bloom - in both July 2021 and again in July 2022!  

Forest School

About Us

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Cedar Road
Tel: 01257 265998
Fax: 01257 233107