St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School



Governing Committees


Mrs L Clarkson
Mrs A Douglas

Appeals (including pay appeals)

Three untainted governors

Complaints Appeals/Grievance

Two untainted governors

Curriculum & Staffing Committee

Mrs L Clarkson
(Committee Chair)
Mr S Christie
Mrs AM Doran
Mrs A Douglas
Mrs R Olsen
Mr K Broomhead - Observer
Mrs E Sumner
Miss A Tunstall
Mr D Wilson 

Finance & Premises

Mr A Vose
(Committee Chair)
Mrs L Clarkson
Mr B Davies
Mrs A Douglas
Mr A King
Mr K Broomhead - Observer
Canon P Stanley
Mrs E Sumner

Headteacher Appraisal Committee

Mr A King
Mr A Vose
Mr D Wilson

Nominated Governors

Mrs L Clarkson - Training Link
Mrs R Olsen - Safeguarding
Mr A Vose - Health & Safety
Mr D Wilson - School Website

Pay Committee

Mr S Christie
Mrs R Olsen
Canon P Stanley

Pupil Welfare Committee

Two untainted governors

Staff Attendance/Discipline/Dismissal

Mr A Vose
Two untainted governors

Subject Ambassadors

Mrs L Clarkson - Art
Mrs R Olsen - Reading / PE
Mr A King - Maths
Mrs AM Doran - Computing / DT
Mr A Vose - Geography
Mr S Christie - Science
Mr B Davies - Music
Canon P Stanley - Religious Education
Mrs A Douglas - Writing
Mr D Wilson - Science

Any members of our Governing Body sitting as an 'Observer' only, do not have any voting rights





About Us

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Cedar Road
Tel: 01257 265998
Fax: 01257 233107