"Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this." Revelations 1:19
At St Joseph's, we teach our children to write for pleasure. We put great emphasis on writing as a skill for life, enabling our children to develop into confident writers, who can adapt their writing to fit any genre or need. Our aim is that the children see themselves as writers, as unique individuals with something to say - we want them to be moved to write through the experiences, opportunities and rich variety of texts that we expose them to.
We inspire our children to write through: creative teaching, which allows the children to express themselves and respond through writing in all curriculum areas; thorough coverage of grammar teaching across all Year groups and detailed teaching of spelling rules and patterns, which builds upon a solid basis of phonics teaching in Foundation and Key Stage 1.
In this manner, we aim to give our children all the tools and skills they require to be able writers who, above all, love to write
Whole School Yearly Writing Overviews
Writing Progression - Years 1 to 6