Mr Andrew Vose
Chair of Governors
Nominated Governor for Health & Safety - Geography Ambassador
Mr Andrew King
Vice Chair of Governors
Mathematics Ambassador
Canon Peter Stanley
Foundation Governor
Religious Education Ambassador
Mr Dan Wilson
Foundation Governor
Nominated Governor for School Website - Science Ambassador
Mrs Anne Marie Doran
Foundation Governor
Computing & Design Technology Ambassador
Miss Anita Tunstall
Foundation Governor
Mrs Annie Douglas
Writing Ambassador
Mr Karl Broohead
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Lesley Clarkson
School Business Manager / Staff Governor
Nominated Governor for Training Link - Art Ambassador
Mrs Rachael Olsen
Parent Governor
Nominated Governor for Safeguarding - Reading & PE Ambassador
Mr Ben Davies
Parent Governor
Music Ambassador
Mrs Naomi Savory
Governing Body Advisor
Representative from LCC
Any members of our Governing Body sitting as an 'Observer' only, do not have any voting rights
Governor Information
Previous Governors from the last 12 months:
Previous Governors from the last 12 months
Mrs Emma Sumner
Representative from LCC
Mr Stuart Christie
Foundation Governor