If there is something worrying you, there is always someone who can help you! 

You can ALWAYS speak to a trusted adult at school. Everyone at school has special training to help to keep you safe; so you can speak to whoever you feel most comfortable with and they'll do all they can to find the right people to support you in dealing with whatever it is that's worrying or frightening you.

We also have staff in school called DSLs (that means Designated Safeguarding Leads) who have had extra training on how to keep everyone safe and all the things that might cause you to be worried, scared, angry, sad or anxious - there's nothing that you could tell us that would shock or surprise us, we'll just do our best to help make the situation better.

Our DSLs are: 


Mrs Annie Douglas

Mrs Annie Douglas


Ms Lorna Sherrard

Ms Lorna Sherrard

Family Support Worker

Mr Karl Broomhead

Mr Karl Broomhead

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Bernadette Murphy

Mrs Bernadette Murphy


Mrs Douglas, our Headteacher, is always available if you need someone to talk to. She's a good listener and she'll always make time for you. 

Lorna, our Family Support Worker, has special training and years of experience in helping children and families. There's a postbox outside the TREE room if you'd rather write down what you want to say. 

Mr Broomhead, our Deputy Headteacher, has been a part of our St Joseph's family for a long time, so he has lots of experience in knowing what to do and who to go to for help. He's very calm and caring and will always make time to listen.  

Mrs Murphy, our SENCO, has worked at St Joseph's for thirty years! She probably taught your parents too! She's always kind, always ready to listen and really wise too. 

There are always places that you can go to for help; people who are experts that you can talk to over the phone or through webchats on the special websites below. Don't ever feel like you're alone...

Being able to use technology well is part of how the modern world works and it's amazing! Don't be afraid of using technology - just be wise! 

*Remember never to give out personal information to people you don't know - such as your full name, your age, your address or which school you go to.

*Remember that some people tell lies about who they are, how old they are and why they're talking to you - they might use photographs of other people to pretend that they're someone they're not!  

*Remember not to share photographs that might identify where you live or which school you go to - such as the school badge.

Click on the links below for help on ‘How to stay safe online’
