Rivington Class become Experi-MENTAL!

This week in Rivington class, Mr.Roden challenged us to come up with a question we would like to find the answer to related to dissolving.  Here’s what each group came up with:


-Which dissolves quickest – sugar or salt?

-Will sugar dissolve quicker in water or acid?

-Does temperature affect the speed at which sugar dissolves?

-Which will ice dissolve ice the quickest – warm water or cold water?

-Does the amount of water affect the speed at which sugar dissolves?


Our next task was to plan, predict, gather all the equipment we would need and then carry out the experiment. We used timers and thermometers to measure the results and then recorded them and wrote conclusions. It was experi-MENTAL. Our science skills are improving!


In literacy, we have been writing in the style of Roald Dahl and the results have been marvellous whilst in maths we have focused on the steps of problem solving. Once again, we are improving, but knowing our tables by heart helps massively. More next week!