St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School



What is a fraction?

Image of What is a fraction?

What is a fraction?

Well over the last week the children have been learning about fractions to try and answer that very question. They have cut up fruit into halves and quarters and also explored how to find a half, quarter of different shapes and even of a bar of chocolate! Using this new…

Category: Duxbury Class Blog


Did cavemen really live in caves?

Did cavemen really live in caves? Well to be honest at first they did. As time passed however they began to move around much more and needed to build themselves their own shelters when no caves could be found. This week we had lots of fun in the Garden of Eden being hunter/gatherers and collecting…

Category: Limbrick Class Blog


Wow! Birkacre had an amazing morning on Friday when they met the robots.

Image of Wow! Birkacre had an amazing morning on Friday when they met the robots.



Wow! Birkacre had an amazing morning on Friday when they met the robots.

Louise Dennis from Liverpool University paid us a visit and brought her robot friends with her.

The children programmed the robots using tablets, they made them move forwards, backwards and turn.…

Category: Birkacre Class Blog


Baptism in Birkacre

Image of Baptism in Birkacre

Baptism in Birkacre


On Wednesday we had a lovely afternoon in Birkacre and celebrated a special event. George Craddock and his family decided to have George welcomed in to the family of God and our Church family.

Father Peter came along and performed the Sacrament with some of George’s…

Category: Birkacre Class Blog


Were cavemen artists?

Image of Were cavemen artists?

Were cavemen artists? Of course they were – all over the world there is evidence of early art on cave walls and this is what we have been studying this week. Obviously Mrs Blackledge wouldn’t want us drawing on the walls in school so we used sand paper to give a texture that was a bit like the…

Category: Limbrick Class Blog


Jonathan Ross who?

Image of Jonathan Ross who?

Jonathan Ross who?

Heapey Class are taking over as prime time interviewers. We have read the story of Little Red Riding Hood, learnt it off by heart using Talk for writing and decided to investigate further. We wrote some challenging questions for the characters to answers and couldn’t wait for…

Category: Heapey Class Blog


Want to be healthy?

Image of Want to be healthy?

Want to be healthy?

Just ask Astley class and they’ll tell you how!

We are all feeling super fit this week after two full mornings riding balance bikes around the hall, some of us built up quite a bit of speed and we were all very hot and sweaty afterwards. Not only have we been exercising…

Category: Astley Class Blog


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair…

Image of Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair…

What Is Diwali?

Duxbury Class have been using different forms of media to find out the answer to that very question.  The children have use the I pads, the big class computer and the netbooks  to watch video clips and look at images from the Festival of Light.  Here are some of the things we…

Category: Duxbury Class Blog


Rivington Remembrance week ...

Image of Rivington Remembrance week ...

Rivington Remembrance week:

A time for remembering and celebrating those that have given their lives – “For your tomorrow, we gave our today!”

In preparation for Year 5’s assembly, we have studied some classic war poetry and turned our hand to writing our own to use in our display work and…

Category: Rivington Class Blog


Our classroom turn into a cave

Image of Our classroom turn into a cave

This week has seen our classroom turn into a cave as we have begun our topic on the Stone Age. Over the holidays several children have built their own mini Stonehenge, we even had an edible one! We have been reading all about a Stone Age boy called Rocky who is just desperate for adventure and…

Category: Limbrick Class Blog


Clever Concoctions!

Clever Concoctions!

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we have been designing our own super smoothies. We looked at different fruits and vegetables and thought about which we thought would work well together. Then, we predicted what our smoothie would look like.

This week, we got to the bit we…

Category: Yarrow Class Blog


Classic Poetry recital.

Image of Classic Poetry recital.

Classic Poetry recital.

The children have this week learnt and performed a number of classic poems from our rich literary history.

First up was ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth. The children all ‘Wondered lonely as a cloud’ as they went through the process of committing the poem to memory…

Category: Rivington Class Blog


About Us

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Cedar Road
Tel: 01257 265998
Fax: 01257 233107