Did cavemen really live in caves? Well to be honest at first they did. As time passed however they began to move around much more and needed to build themselves their own shelters when no caves could be found. This week we had lots of fun in the Garden of Eden being hunter/gatherers and collecting the things we needed to build our own Stone Age shelters. We collected twigs and leaves to build a version of a tepee. Stone Age people wouldn’t have actually used leaves but Mrs Crowther thought that catching and skinning a rabbit or deer might be a little too gruesome for Year 3 to do.

In class we then used the materials we had gathered to construct our shelters. In the past they would have used mud or clay to stick the skins to the wooden poles, luckily Pritt stick has been invented so that is what we used. Stone Age people would have also used sinew from animals or vines to fasten the stick together but we were able to use string.

We are all incredibly proud of the homes we have built but we don’t fancy having to live in them ourselves – they might be a bit draughty.