St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School



Exciting news!

Image of Exciting news!

Exciting news! This week Mrs Crowther has got out the brand new recorders and we have been using them in our music lesson. We only had 2 notes to play but it was quite tricky to get our hands in the right place. We managed to play along with the song we are working with, the reggae classic ‘Three…

Category: Limbrick Class Blog


Saying hello, waving and smiling =D

Image of Saying hello, waving and smiling =D

This week we have been talking about how we can make people feel welcome. We’ve had lots of great ideas such as; saying hello, waving and smiling =D so we are going to use these ideas and make sure everyone feels welcome in Astley class.

We also spoke about God and how he welcomes us into his…

Category: Astley Class Blog


Healthy Hearts!

Image of Healthy Hearts!

Healthy Hearts!

This week we started our Young @ Heart project. The project involves us trying lots of different sports out and also learning about what makes us healthy. This week we started to think about what we fuel our bodies with and whether we can change that to make ourselves…

Category: Yarrow Class Blog


Sporting Superstars!

Image of Sporting Superstars!


Sporting Superstars!

We’ve had a very sporty day today in Yarrow class. The day started off with some circuit training, which definitely woke us all up! We had 4 activities to do and had to keep it up for 1 minute. It sounds easy but we were very tired after it.

Once we’d got our…

Category: Yarrow Class Blog


The children have had a fantastic week this week..

The children have had a fantastic week this week and have definitely improved their behaviour for learning. We have produced some fantastic final drafts of our P.K. Pinkerton historical narratives and they are on display around the school.

As part of our American topic, we have moved across…

Category: Rivington Class Blog


Birkacre are Gassy!!!!!

Image of Birkacre are Gassy!!!!!

Birkacre are Gassy!!!!!


This week Birkacre have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We have sorted materials into liquids and solids, we have played word games and have come up with our own definitions.


then we went onto the playground to be solids, liquids and gases to…

Category: Birkacre Class Blog


Autumn in Birkacre

Image of Autumn in Birkacre

Autumn in Birkacre


This week Birkacre have taken advantage of the beautiful weather and explored the Garden of Eden. We have been looking at the effects of Autumn on the leaves and trees. Next we are going to identify the leaves and which trees they came from.

Category: Birkacre Class Blog


We really feel like juniors this week!

Image of We really feel like juniors this week!

This week has been another action packed one. We really feel like juniors this week as we have been learning the grown up way to do written addition calculations and do you know what, we’re pretty good at it. On Friday we had a visit from an Olympic athlete who did some work with us on fitness and…

Category: Limbrick Class Blog


We met a famous athlete Jess Taylor

Image of We met a famous athlete Jess Taylor

What a week we have had in Heapey Class. We met a famous athlete Jess Taylor who represented Great Britain at the Commonwealth Games in the heptathlon. We took part in a sponsored fitness test which was really hard but enjoyable. Afterwards she gave us a talk about being resilient and never giving…

Category: Heapey Class Blog


Duxbury Class get Fit!

Image of    Duxbury Class get Fit!


                       Duxbury Class get Fit!

This week we enjoyed a school visit from Heptathlete Jess Taylor.  Jess came to teach us how to keep fit and to tell us about all the events she takes part in.  We all tried really hard to do the fitness activities well and we are looking…

Category: Duxbury Class Blog


What a busy week…

Image of What a busy week…

What a busy week…

We have continued to learn all about the Naughty Bus this week, in the story he brushes his teeth (windows) before he goes to bed and we decided to find out why. We talked a lot about dental hygiene and all had a go at cleaning our teeth in school, it felt very strange! We…

Category: Astley Class Blog


Fun at Hothersall!

Image of Fun at Hothersall!

Fun at Hothersall!

We’ve had a rather different week in school as we’ve been on our residential. We went to Hothersall Lodge and had a fantastic time trying new challenges and facing our fears.

We participated in lots of different activities such as climbing, caving, archery, orienteering,…

Category: Yarrow Class Blog


About Us

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Cedar Road
Tel: 01257 265998
Fax: 01257 233107