Image of Has anyone seen Big Foot?
11 December 2015

Has anyone seen Big Foot?

Has anyone seen Big Foot?

This week in Astley class we have been using our maths skills to measure the size of everyone’s feet. We had lots of ticklish giggles as we drew around everyone’s feet - which was lots of fun! Then with cubes we measured how long our feet are. Once everyone had stuck…

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Image of As well as intensive Christmas performance rehearsals this week .......
11 December 2015

As well as intensive Christmas performance rehearsals this week .......

As well as intensive Christmas performance rehearsals this week, Rivington class have been continuing with their work on Victorian transportation, creating another page with another working mechanism for their pop-up books. After studying the life of a Victorian navvy; the work they did, the risks…

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Image of Heapey swaps pencils for trowels!
11 December 2015

Heapey swaps pencils for trowels!

Heapey swaps pencils for trowels!

Heapey Class became budding gardeners this week as the kind wolf rewarded us for telling his side of the story. On our desk was a thank you letter and 30 mysterious objects. Some though they were garlic, some onions and one even thought it was an apple. One…

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Image of Victorian transportation ....
4 December 2015

Victorian transportation ....

As well as intensive Christmas performance rehearsals this week, Rivington class have been continuing with their work on Victorian transportation, creating another page with another working mechanism for their pop-up books. After studying the life of a Victorian navvy; the work they did, the risks…

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Image of Stewed fruit?
4 December 2015

Stewed fruit?

Stewed fruit? I don’t think so! We had lots of strange faces this week as we tried some stewed berries – Stone Age style. Mrs Crowther tried to convince us that it would be just like eating jam but even she screwed up her face when she tried it. The problem is jam has lots of sugar in it which…

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Image of It’s All About The Money, Money, Money!
4 December 2015

It’s All About The Money, Money, Money!

It’s All About The Money, Money, Money!

Do you know how to make a price?  We do in Duxbury Class because have been learning to handle money.  We can use pennies and other coins to make up our price tag amounts.  We also know which coins are worth the most money.

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30 November 2015



This week in Rivington class we have been undergoing PALS training. PALs is a young leaders scheme which aims to give 9-11 year olds their first experience of leading fun activities based around sports with younger members of the school community. The children…

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Image of Great Scott. 1.21 gigawatts/Heapeys Great British Bake Off
30 November 2015

Great Scott. 1.21 gigawatts/Heapeys Great British Bake Off

Great Scott. 1.21 gigawatts

Heapey Class travelled back in time this week to 1666.  We travelled back to London and compared our houses to theirs. We looked at what they were made out of, what they looked like and even how they dealt without a toilet. It must have been really smelly on the…

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Image of So many things have happened this week but at the top of the list has been lots of practice for our Christmas play
30 November 2015

So many things have happened this week but at the top of the list has been lots of practice for our Christmas play

So many things have happened this week but at the top of the list has been lots of practice for our Christmas play. Lots of singing and lots of drama. In between practices we have been finding out exactly what Stone Age people ate and how they would have cooked it. Molly brought in a piece of…

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Image of NEWSFLASH! Spiderman has been very mischievous this week
23 November 2015

NEWSFLASH! Spiderman has been very mischievous this week

NEWSFLASH! Spiderman has been very mischievous this week

This week Astley class have joined forces with the police to try and find Spiderman! He has been spilling milk, putting our coats on the floor and ripping our paper, then he ran away, we couldn’t believe it! So, Astley Class detectives…

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Image of Lies, lies, lies
23 November 2015

Lies, lies, lies

Lies, lies, lies

What a shock we had this week in Heapey Class. We received a mysterious letter and parcel on Monday and to our amazement it was from the Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. He let us into a few secrets such as how Red Riding Hood was a right little madam and is the rudest little…

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Image of MORE?
20 November 2015



Mr.Roden has been asking for more from Rivington with regards to their narrative writing. We have been reading and responding to both ‘Scrooge’ and ‘Oliver Twist’ adaptations by one of the most famous of Victorian writers, Charles Dickens. The children have taken part in lots of drama…

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