This week in Rivington class we have been undergoing PALS training. PALs is a young leaders scheme which aims to give 9-11 year olds their first experience of leading fun activities based around sports with younger members of the school community. The children looked at the important aspects of being a leader which are summarised under the acronym OF COURSE :
O – Opportunities
F – Fun
C – Cooperation
O – Organised
U – Understanding
R – Responsibility
E – Enjoy
The children then took part in and practiced delivering various games and activities which they had to organise and explain to the rest of the group first. I think it’s safe to say that we all enjoyed the training and look forward to the scheme starting at lunchtimes in the near future. There are some photos of the training to below.
The children have been put to the test this week having been asked to describe a winter wonderland for the display in the school hall and at church. They have used their knowledge of sentence types and vocabulary to create the most wonderful wintery descriptions. Check some of them out below or at church!