Stewed fruit? I don’t think so! We had lots of strange faces this week as we tried some stewed berries – Stone Age style. Mrs Crowther tried to convince us that it would be just like eating jam but even she screwed up her face when she tried it. The problem is jam has lots of sugar in it which just wasn’t available to Stone Age people; she could have added honey though!
Despite still having the disgusting taste of tart fruit in our mouths we have also been thinking of ways we could persuade Father Christmas why we should be on the nice list. Mrs Crowther isn’t convinced that we do all of the things we say we do at home but she’s giving us the benefit and so we now need to get writing our letters before time runs out.
Linking in with our efforts to be on the nice list we have been making our own Advent promises which are up on display in class. So if any parents want to check up on what we have promised we will do for the next few weeks, please do feel free to come and have a look at them.
Finally, thinking more carefully about the real reason for Christmas, we read the story of the Annunciation. We discussed what it must have been like for Mary to find out from an angel no less that she was going to have a baby. We used the ideas we discussed to put ourselves in her shoes and write her diary of the day the Angel Gabriel came to visit her.