St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School


St Joseph's in Bloom!

16 August 2021
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We are so proud of the hard work of the Laudato Si group, led by Mrs Taylor, Mrs Heneghan and our Vice Chair of Governors - Mr King.

They showcased their work at Chorley Flower Show, in Astley Park, and received a Gold Award from the judges in the School and Community Gardens category at the beginning of August. Thank you to the staff, pupils and parents that gave their time so willingly in the summer holidays to be part of this wonderful community event.

This is 'Faith in Action' at its finest! The children learned about the human impact on the environment and ways that we can make positive changes in the 'care of our common home'. The children wrote to B&Q to source plants and they were kind enough to donate over £150 worth! Our community came together as staff, children and volunteers worked together to raise awareness and improve our environment.   


St Joseph's in Bloom

About Us

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Cedar Road
Tel: 01257 265998
Fax: 01257 233107