Duxbury Class ready for the St’ Jo’s Has Got Talent Final on Friday
This week we have been showing our friends how talented we are in Duxbury Class ready for the St’ Jo’s Has Got Talent Final on Friday.
We’ve also enjoyed a morning in Heapy Class with Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Bades and Mrs. Harrison. We really liked it and we are ready to move on and learn new…
Blackpool Zoo
We had a lovely day at Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday. The children were very well behaved and so were animals! Well done everyone for a lovely day out.
The scores are in…
On the 21st of June recently, it was St. Josephs sports day and this is the report of year ones sports day. It all began with a fun warm up prepared by Mrs. Bades, then the confident class moved onto their long run races and here are our winners: Alfie Scull (St. Luke), Ocean Taylor (St. Luke),…
Infant Sports Day
We had great weather on Tuesday for our Sports Day and we had lots of fun. There were some record breaking attempts made at throwing and standing long jump. Well done everyone in Duxbury Class!
Manchester Airport Viewing Platform
Duxbury Class enjoyed a wonderful day of learning at Manchester Airport this week. Harold and Jenny taught the children all about the airport and the jobs done at the airport and on the planes. We all watched the ‘double decker’ Airbus A 380 land and we were lucky to see Concorde. The children…
What a busy week we have had in Duxbury class…
What a busy week we have had in Duxbury class.
This week in Literacy we have been looking at Handa’s surprise. We have tried some delicious fruit, some of us liked the sweet mango but some us really didn’t like the papaya!
We have started our new topic of Africa with a really exciting…
Poetry in our literacy
This week in Duxbury class we have been looking at poetry in our literacy lessons. We have worked hard and made our own acrostic poems about the seaside.
On Friday during maths we had a challenge morning where we did lots of different activities. We looked at 2D shapes and we made them with…
The Island Of Struay
This week Duxbury Class received a letter from Katie Morag, inviting the class to visit The Island of Struay. So we went to visit and we looked at all the lovely places including the beach, the Post Office and the Café. We talked about why it would be fun for other people to go to the Island and…
Phonics and graphs
This week we have been learning to use our phonics and we have learnt to read split digraph a-e. We made a graph to show our favourite fruits. It was lots of fun.
Where Are We?
This week we have been trying to find out where we are! We’ve looked at maps and globes, Google earth and we know where lots of places are. We know where the United Kingdom is on the world map and on the globe. On Thursday we learnt about compass directions and we made our own compass so that…
Julia Donaldson…
During literacy we have been looking at stories by Julia Donaldson. One of our favourite stories was The Smartest Giant in Town. We wrote thank you letters to George for all his kind deeds. Our letters are fantastic if we do say so ourselves. Keep your eyes peeled for our own version of Room on a…
Cracking invention Gromit!
Cracking invention Gromit! Our topic of Cracking Inventions topic has got off to a great start with the fantastic home work we have received. We have also answered the learning challenge 1 Would we recognise a famous inventor in the street? We drew what we thought an inventor looked like as well…