As most parents and families are aware, Tuesday 22nd of June, sports day took place at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary school, and for the Year 2’s, as their final sport day in the infants each house team were almost certain they would win. This event started with all teams gathering in the hall, preparing to march down and start the competition. First up was the warmup. That included jumping, jogging on the spot, running, and a few stretches to round it off. Secondly was the standing long jump. St. John’s highest turned to be 1 metre 44 produced by Bethany Ainsworth. St. Matthew’s finished with a best score of 1 metre 43 by Ellis Holden. St. Luke’s top score was 1 metre 56 by Jaden Foley! St. Peter’s was 1 metre 50 by Ella Warren. They all did an outstanding job at their standing long jump. That second event ended with St. Luke’s score in the lead for the Year 2’s.

In third, after the exciting long jump, was the short sprint. St. Matthew’s won a total of two rounds. St. Johns, two, St. Luke’s – one, and St. Luke’s ending with a win of three rounds. Soon after the exhausting run, fourth up was the javelin. It was a fun and marvellous activity to show off their skills…