Goodbye ducklings, have fun at the farm….
This week we have all grown incredibly close to our beautiful ducklings, we have cared for them by making sure they have enough food and water, we have looked after them by cleaning out their very messy box and we have kept them clean by letting them swim and splash around in our water tray. But most importantly we have given them lots and lots of love, this love has come in the form of cuddles, kisses and fantastic written messages and pictures for the ducklings. It has been such a wonderful treat having ducklings in our class, being able to watch them grow and develop I hope it’s an experience the children will remember for a long time. The ducklings have now gone back to their Mummy at the farm who will look after them as they continue to grow.
As well as all the duckling fun we have also been creating our own stories, choosing characters, setting and a plot. So far we have planned our stories by using a story map (drawing pictures) and next week we will all become authors and write our very own stories, how exciting!! In maths we have been getting messy with rice, coco pops and water to try and get our heads around capacity. So far we have mastered full, half full and empty and some of us can even show a container that is nearly full and nearly empty! WOW! Not only that but we have also been using scales to weigh objects and discover which is heavier and which is lighter, always remembering that just because an object is big it doesn’t always mean it is heavy.
After all that our brains are fit to burst with so much new knowledge, have a well-earned rest this weekend! See you on Monday J