6 little ducks started hatching one day…


There has been so much excitement in Astley Class this week as we awaited the arrival of our beautiful baby ducklings. The fun began on Monday morning as the eggs were brought to us in an incubator to keep them warm. On Tuesday we started to notice some cracks appearing on the eggs and we could hear the ducklings chirping away (letting us know they are on their way!). Then on Wednesday just as we were getting ready to go home, the first two ducklings hatched!! It was so exciting, an amazing experience for everyone. Later that evening three more broke out of their shells and in the middle of the night the 6th duckling joined his/her brothers and sisters. Our six ducklings are very happy in their new home, they are just adjusting to life outside the shell and getting used to eating and drinking. The ducklings will stay with us until Thursday next week, and we can’t wait to spend more time with them. Please feel free to come and have a look at our ducklings, they are super cute!

A big thank you to all the children who have brought in their duckling artwork, our classroom looks fantastic and it’s all down to you, well done!