We are St Joseph's

St Joseph’s is a very special place with Christ at the centre of everything we do.  

Children are blessings from God, each one of them with a unique set of gifts and talents, which we strive to help them uncover and nurture in an environment of praise and encouragement. 

We work in close partnership with our families, operating an “open door” policy.

Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of myself, the staff, pupils and governors of St Joseph's, I would like to warmly welcome you to our wonderful school. 

I know that you and your family will find St Joseph’s to be a welcoming and friendly environment where, when you come through our doors, you join a family that you'll always be a part of, in which your child will feel safe, secure and valued.

If there's anything I can do to help, please just let me know

Kindest wishes

Annie Douglas


Our Mission

We set high expectations for excellence and expect each child to reach their full potential. We want our children to develop a passion for life through a rich and diverse curriculum, which gives them opportunities to learn new and exciting things every day, in a fun and happy environment.
Children have the right to be safe and as such, safeguarding is our highest priority.

We know that you, as parents, are the most important 'first teachers' for your children. You have loved and nurtured them, celebrated each milestone and caught them as they fell...it is our commitment to you that we will continue to do this whilst they are in our care, here at school.

Catholic Life

At St Joseph's, our Catholic Ethos permeates all that we do. We live out our mission statement in every aspect of our work so that our children can grow in faith and come to know God.  

As a Catholic community, we encourage everyone in our school to flourish!

Recognising that we all are made in the image and likeness of God; we aim to help everyone to realise their God-given talents and their part in God's plan.